I used to have many resentments. Meditation has helped me to overcome them, and I will try to explain how anyone suffering from resentments can approach and deal with it. Life isn’t supposed to suit usTo begin with, I think that it can be useful to point out something...
If someone were to ask me what I am grateful for 5 years ago, I was going to say nothing. In the past I did not know what it is to be grateful for: I was always stressed, I felt hopeless, I was living with anxiety day in and day out, there was a lot of problems with...
To change our negative thinking to positive thinking, we need to throw away the mind that thinks negatively. Then we can think positively. We went to Jones Beach for our first weekly Sunset Meditation. There was a small fishing store between the parking lot...
Let’s first try to understand where depression comes from. If you see it as a disease, it will make you a patient, but if you look at it as something that you can come across in life at some point, it can be your friend. I had been working as a nurse for the past 13...
The best way to have peace of mind is to throw away your false mind through meditation and find the true mind within yourself. I want to tell you about the inner war I have had recently. I woke up early in the morning to prepare for class and went to middle school to...